What should I bring to a meet, other than my swimmer?

  • Write your name on everything you bring

  • Chairs for parents and other fans

  • Swimsuit/s

  • Goggles (good idea to bring a backup pair as well)

  • Swim cap (Green Dolphins Cap for Meets)

  • 2 Towels (one for use during the meet and one for after the meet)

  • Water bottle- it’s hot out there. It’s important to stay hydrated! Sports Drinks are good, too, but water is a must!

  • Snacks – although pools MAY have concession stands, it is a good idea to bring your own as well for your swimmers

  • Some games to play like cards, books, and coloring books (however, we recommend they don't bring electronics)

  • Bug spray

  • Sunscreen (read How to Mark my Swimmer’s Arm first!)


Consider writing your last name across the left arm's bicep if you have a new swimmer. This is to help the Marshals line up swimmers. Please use a black (or Dolphin Green!) Sharpie; check that there is no wet sunscreen on their arm before you start writing. And be sure the ink is dry before applying sunscreen! 

Each race has an EVENT number, a HEAT number, and a LANE number. Within an event, there can be multiple heats racing; heats are in sequential order. All swimmers in Heat 1 race at the same time. All swimmers in Heat 2 race next at the same time. The lane indicates the lane number they are swimming in. The starting blocks are numbered. We typically swim in even lanes at home and odd lanes away.

Names are listed alphabetically---find your swimmer(s), and events will be listed below each name (I'm using an old heat sheet for my daughters for this example).


On the swimmer’s arm between the elbow and wrist---write "E H L" on the top so you can write the info for each race below (Event-Heat-Lane). This should be written lengthwise. Write so the swimmer can bend their arm and see their info (see photos below). Make sure there is space between columns in case of changes. 

Please refer to the diagram. Under Bridget’s name, you'll see event #'s on the left.

Bridget has three (3) events so you would start with "11". On that same event line are two numbers that have a slash (/) between them---they stand for the H (Heat) and L (Lane). 

For relays (Medley or Free) you need to note what position they swim (1, 2, 3, or 4). Bridget is swimmer 1 and Grace is swimmer 4 in the same relay. This will be after the event notation in parenthesis ( ). You will also need to include the abbreviation of what stroke they're swimming so they remember on the blocks. The order of the MEDLEY RELAY IS: (1)=BA (2)=BR (3)=FL (4)=FR (Back, Breast, Fly, Free).


Bridget's arm for this one event would show 11 | 1 | 3 FR. Then you would go to event #35 and write that info directly under the first. The following race would be #54. 

On other strokes simply abbreviate the event after the lane indicated (i.e. 50 BR, 50 FR, 100 FR). 7. It would look like this on the arm (pictured on right). 

If your swimmer is swimming an IM (INDIVIDUAL MEDLEY) make sure they know the order and write it if you need to (order is different than medley relay----IM is FL-BA-BR-FR (Fly, Back, Breast, Free).

Events are numbered sequentially during regular meets and indicate the stroke they are swimming by age group.

For Those Watching the Meet:

Consider taking a photo of the list of races for your swimmers or even writing down the numbers of your swimmers’ races  ON YOUR ARM. The meets move very quickly and you do not want to miss a race!

 When I Volunteer, what do I need to do?


These individuals should be prepared to arrive 30 minutes early and stay 15-30 minutes late. Set up includes: setting up chairs for swimmers, setup blocks, flags, set up tent and tables for Scorekeepers’ table, set up spirit wear/concessions table. Clean-up includes: returning blocks and flags to closet, stacking chairs and returning to the closet, and returning tables to the closet.


There are 2 volunteers for each lane.  One timer operates the stopwatch while the other records the swimmers’ times for each race along with operating a back-up timer.  The timer shall start the watch at the instant of the Starter/Referee’s gun or starting device and stop the watch immediately when any part of the swimmer’s body touches the end of the pool.


These individuals are responsible for their assigned age group and will make sure the swimmers in their group are lined up and ready for each race.  Heat Sheets will be given to you upon volunteer check-in that will list the events along with the swimmers’ names.  You will need to take roll immediately and notify one of the coaches prior to warm-up if there is someone missing.  It is extremely important that you keep track of your group—it can be difficult at times…but if a child cannot be found when their event is called and a substitution cannot be made in time, they will be scratched from the event.  This is particularly disappointing when an entire relay cannot compete because of a no-show.  


This person collects the score sheet from the timers and takes it to the Scorekeepers’ table.  It is extremely important to bring the scorecards quickly so that the Scorekeepers can score races in a timely manner. WEAR COMFORTABLE FOOTWEAR! Flip-flops are not recommended.


Training is required for this role. Training takes place in late June or early July.


Although training is preferred, this position can be filled without previous experience. These individuals read times & label timecards with places.


Although training is preferred, this position can be filled without previous experience. These individuals sit at the scorekeeper’s table and clip ribbons won in each event by the Home team to related timecards.

Apparel / Donut Sales:

These individuals sell spirits wear and/or snacks at home meets. May include selling 50/50s.


It’s a gamble!  If all volunteers slated for a particular meet show up—you don’t have to work at all!  BUT…if someone fails to show or arrives late…you will need to step in and do their job.  Please check in with the volunteer table once you arrive and they will let you know if you are working once sign-in is complete.

when will my swimmer HAVE THEIR race?

Races alternate gender (male, then female). Each new stroke begins with the youngest swimmers and progresses in age order.

Individual Medley Events (IF ANY)

Freestyle Events

Backstroke Events

Breaststroke Events

Butterfly Events

Freestyle Relay Events